You are on the road itself, and someone tries to pull your wallet from the shoulder. What should you do? The following tips are from women's self defense expert and by following them, you can save yourself from injury and perhaps even before death. Purse snatching is a crime and the crime is usually committed by persons under the age of 18. Women 's self-defense experts have warned that the execution of your purse loosely in our hands are away from the person, such asin a shopping cart is like a ten dollar bill on the sidewalk.
More difficult it is for the offender to see the price, the chance to get him as a victim will be less. If you are walking and your purse over your shoulder, it would be more difficult than when you are your handbag in your hand. If a thief will try and grab your wallet, is that your first reaction to drag it closer to the body. This will only give the thief more trouble and it could hurt at the endyourself.
The first peak of women's self defense instructor is trying to shop with a friend. This friend can be of either sex would be a thief usually think twice before they would attack two people instead of one. If you are alone, stay in well lit areas on foot close to streetlamps and stores with skylights outside. Stay away from dark corners and alleys. A woman's voice self-defense expert once said: "If you said you would not be caught dead in a dark alley, yourError. Dead is actually how you fell into this alley. "
A good way to keep your valuables stolen from it, is to deceive the attacker. You do not even have a woman 's self-defense for this class. So imagine anything of value in your wallet. Enter your credit cards and large bills into his pocket or in your stocking. Another trick is to put your stuff in a fanny pack under your jacket or wear short. The thief will grab your wallet and you will baityet your valuable intact. The only reason one would have to use women 's self-defense, if the thief your person that directly attacks.
Do not carry a dangerous weapon in your purse like guns or knives. The thief could use these weapons against you. Women 's self-defense is not much use when his own gun or knife is notice to you. Also bear arms in your wallet could be against the law. It would be sad if you stole the weapon andanother person was hurt with him. Also make sure that there is no identification of objects such as address and phone numbers in your wallet. The thief could easily mark as a future goal, if he knows where you live. If your wallet is stolen, cancel all your credit cards and checks immediately. It only takes a little time for a thief to steal your identity.